Valley General Hospital


Monroe, WA

Services Provided:

Civil Engineering, Surveying, Landscape Architecture

Valley General Hospital Expansion & Sky River Medical Building

This project was for the major expansion of the parking system for the Valley General Hospital in Monroe in conjunction with the private development of the Sky River Medical Center. (This is now Evergreen Health Monroe.)  This work required extensive frontage improvements along the north side of 149th Street and the east side of 179th Avenue SE. This work included providing left turn channelization on the north, west and east legs of the intersection of 179th and 149th as well as a center turn lane along 149th to the entrance to the hospital.

Frontage storm systems were connected to the proposed stormwater treatment and infiltration systems on the hospital and medical center sites. For the expansion of the Valley General Hospital parking, Harmsen performed full project management services from schematic design through project construction and close out.

Harmsen provided all civil engineering, land surveying, and landscape architecture services for the project. Our work included:

  • Surveying for property acquisition
  • Parking lot design
  • Demolition plans
  • Paving plans
  • Landscape and irrigation plans

The parking lot expansion provided for 238 new parking spaces on 2.5 acres. This expansion tied in with the Sky River Medical Center Building construction on the Southwest corner of the Valley General Hospital campus, which was also an Harmsen project.  Harmsen worked closely with the client and Valley General Hospital to resolve issues for the sharing of parking areas and creatively found a way to make the project pencil out for both parties and obtain the value necessary for both projects.

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