Pioneer Way Greenroads Project


Oak Harbor, WA

Services Provided:


Greenroads Project - Greenroads is a sustainability rating system for roadway design and construction. The Greenroads Rating System is a third-party, points-based system available to certify sustainable roadway and transportation infrastructure projects. The system provides metrics to measure the effect of design and construction practices which can be implemented on a project to earn points toward one of four certification awards.

Project Overview

This project added multi-modal and pedestrian-friendly streetscape enhancements and street improvements on SE Pioneer Way in downtown Oak Harbor, WA. The project included the removal and replacement of the entire surface street cross section, storm drainage conveyance system, and sanitary sewer system within the limits of the existing infrastructure. In addition, streetscape improvements include widening sidewalks, providing on-street parking, converting Pioneer Way from a two-way to a one-way street, and adding social gathering spaces

Surveying - Harmsen completed the survey work for 2,250 feet of roadway construction of Pioneer Way - one of the first “Greenroads” projects in the country. Our crews first traversed across the site and set control points along the intersecting roads, tied out all the property corners, and prepared legal descriptions for the Right of Way phases. We then provided staking for Centerline/Storm Catch Basins/Walls/Water/Sanitary/Joint Utility Trenches/Luminaires and finally curb.

Archeology Study - Partway through the project, bones were found between Ireland Street and Iwalco Street prompting an archaeological study. Harmsen was called upon to as-built and document a 1-meter grid throughout the archaeological dig area.

Project Completion

Final completion of the project required replacing previous monuments and filing a Record of Survey showing all the monuments and property corners that were reset.

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