Main Street Monroe


Monroe, WA

Services Provided:

Survey, Civil Design

Main Street Monroe - Stormwater/Sewer Separation

The City of Monroe undertook a project to separate the stormwater from the public sewer system along Main Street at the central intersection with Lewis Street.  The decision was made to redesign the sidewalk and parking configurations in order to make this downtown intersection more attractive and conducive to visitor enjoyment.  Harmsen surveyors performed the topographical survey of the site.  Then, Harmsen engineering was selected to do the civil design.

The design involved 240 lineal feet of pervious, paved parking (utilizing pavers) on both sides of West Main Street, and 240 Lineal feet of pervious sidewalk on both sides of West Main Street.  Coordination with existing building elevations and the provision of new ADA ramps was required.  Also included was storm drainage infiltration for roof runoff from existing buildings and upstream impervious surfaces.

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