Kelsey Road Station


Monroe, WA

Services Provided:

Civil Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Surveying

Kelsey Road Station is a 22,000 square foot retail development located along the west side of Kelsey Street in Monroe, Washington. Harmsen worked with CDA Architecture and Trace & Associates on this newly developed Town Center area of the city. The project has a strong urban flavor blending it with the surrounding commercial properties and was designed to meet the City of Monroe’s urban design standards.

The project area, including the subject property, was originally the site of a gravel mining operation that has been re-developed as a commercial center containing a movie theater, restaurants and a home improvement store. Kelsey Road Station is located along the western edge of the larger commercial center.

The drainage design for the project consisted of collection and treatment of runoff in storm filter catch basins that are connected to infiltration galleries located under the parking lot. Ground water conditions dictated that the design of the infiltration system be kept as shallow as possible to assure its viability.

We designed a very attractive and unique landscape by selecting beautiful and urbanely durable plant material and landscape elements that will survive and thrive for many years into the future. The overall design scheme has made this one of the most desirable commercial locations for retailers and restaurateurs in Monroe, and a favorite of residents and visitors. Included in our design work is a highly water-efficient irrigation system that provides very specific water application, reduces overspray or run off, and makes the maximum amount of water available to the plants.

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