Hill Street Reconstruction


Monroe, WA

Services Provided:

Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering

Hill Street Reconstruction

Harmsen completed work for the reconstruction of Hill Street for the City of Monroe. The scope of services included the preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates for the reconstruction of Hill Street from Kelsey Street to Madison Street.

This section of Hill Street was 900 feet long and 38-feet wide from curb to curb with single-family residential housing on the North side of the street and Monroe Middle School on the South.

Our work included

  • Pavement reconstruction that reduced the crown of Hill Street
  • Curb and gutter replacement to match pavement reconstruction
  • Sidewalk work to make complete sidewalks on both sides of Hill Street
  • Redesign of pavement at intersection of Orr Street and Hill Street that eliminated existing drainpipe under Orr Street
  • Storm drainage system redesign to disconnect all storm main connections from the sanitary sewer mains
  • Replacement of water, sewer, and drainage mains
  • Replacement of water services up to and including meter setters and boxes
  • Right-of-way research and acquisition support for takes along the North side of Hill Street

Note: This project has not yet been constructed

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