Cedarhome Baptist Church


Stanwood, WA

Services Provided:

Civil Engineering, Surveying, Landscape Architecture

The Cedarhome Baptist Church project was for the construction of a new 20,400 square foot church building located in Stanwood, Washington. The site is in the rapidly growing primarily residential area in northern Stanwood, and the church found itself lacking the necessary space to adequately serve the growing church body. Our involvement in the church expansion included preparation of and application for a Conditional Use Permit as well as Construction Permit and Site Plan approvals.

The site covers an area of 5.2 acres and includes the new building, the existing church buildings, two houses, parking areas for 126 vehicles, a building pad for a future worship building, ballfield and landscape areas. The multipurpose building includes a sanctuary, classrooms, office and support spaces.

The site work required for the project included the design of a storm drainage collection system, water loop and sewer connections. Our work also involved coordination with the adjacent property that was providing storm water treatment and detention facilities for the site.

Offsite design work included street improvements consisting of road widening with planter and sidewalk. A sewer main was designed to extend along the road frontage. This sewer was an extension of the new City sewage collection system. The site and surrounding areas had previously been served by onsite drainfield systems. A 12” watermain was also designed along the frontage to replace an older undersized watermain.

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